Croudace Homes Group Rebrand
Brand Architecture | Identity | Corporate Guidelines | Print Collateral | Promotional Items | Digital Design | Illustration

Bringing all the companies together under the clearly identifiable Croudace Homes Group banner. The decision to use a coloured square to sit alongside the logotype simplified the overall look and gave a clean finish.

Posing with the new sign on the launch day of the new identities with the Group Marketing Executive (on the left)

Featuring various Croudace house types and staff, this mural incorporated the brand colours to make a new art feature in the refurbished Directors' Suite.

Bringing all the companies together under the clearly identifiable Croudace Homes Group banner. The decision to use a coloured square to sit alongside the logotype simplified the overall look and gave a clean finish.
In 2010 I rebranded our group of companies, consolidating the brand’s look and feel and creating a new corporate identity for each of the divisions. This included a comprehensive set of corporate guidelines and the implementation of the new branding across all marketing material.